【YOU MAKE IT Weekly Meetupとは】
22:00~22:05 全体トーク(オープニング:担当ファシリテーターから)
22:05~22:25 ルームを分けて少人数トーク/1回目
22:25-22:30 全体トーク(ルームで話したことをシェアする時間)
22:30~22:55 ルームを分けて少人数トーク/2回目
22:55~23:00 全体トーク(エンディング:担当ファシリテーターから)
【What is the YOU MAKE IT Weekly Meetup?】
On April 23, 2020, as the new coronavirus rages, a state of emergency has been declared in Japan and lockdowns have been imposed around the world to prevent the spread of infection.
For foreigners who want to learn Japanese around the world who have to refrain from living at home, canceling school, and are anxious to learn Japanese.
We started this free event in order to increase opportunities to use Japanese language.
The event was originally planned to be held for one month only, but we have received many requests from participants to continue the event, so we are now holding it every week.
Each week, facilitators and participants talk together in Japanese based on a set theme.
◎Basic Program
22:00-22:05 Plenary talk (Opening: from the facilitator in charge)
22:05-22:25 Small group talk in separate rooms/1st talk
22:25-22:30 Plenary talk (time to share what was discussed in the room)
22:30-22:55 Small group talk in separate rooms/second talk
22:55-23:00 Plenary talk (ending: from the facilitator in charge)
YOU MAKE IT WEEKLY MEET UP参加希望者はこちらから(無料です)
If you would like to participate, you can sign up here. (It’s free of charge.)